The band describe themselves as blending both dark and light qualities into their music to develop an alternative new genre influenced by blues, rock, punk and country. The bands concept was explained to me at our first meeting...
"Blue is the ultimate contradiction in female sexuality. Her dark, seething and often twisted lyrical content reveals a side of femininity often unexplored. No song in Blue’s repertoire reveals this more than Temptress, where she encapsulates the ultimate self-preserving, sexual predator. However, one only has to listen to the heart-warming innocence and optimism of songs like a Happy Heart to understand that Blue is so much more than a Woman Scorned.
This ability of Blue to honestly explore all aspects of her inner self and reflect this fearlessly in her writing, shows that Blue is indeed a talented and original artist.
On the surface Grando projects a hard drinking and hard hearted womaniser with a tangible lust for sex and death. Grando is the unexpected facilitator for Blue’s screaming lyrics and honest performances. Grando’s punk background drenches him with a foreboding, unattainable demeanour, with the menace of an emotional vampire. However, Grando’s unlikely pairing with Blue reveals a more compassionate and intimate soul".
With is idea outlined before even hearing the band, I had a good idea of what sort of images they were after to promote their music - Dark, mysterious and contrasty images were what we agreed would work best for the band and their concept.
Below are a few favourite images from our shoot at the end of last year. These portraits of Blue and Grando were to help tell a story and contribute to their songs - A Woman Scorned & Dig My Own Grave amongst others...
I very much enjoyed working with the band and I am looking forward to shooting again with them in the near future. Due to unfortunate circumstances our latest shoot had to be put on hold for the time being but I know there are definitely more ideas we can come up with to create exciting and engaging images!